Magical: Text Expander & Autofill

Magical crx file download
Magical crx file download
Magical crx file download
Magical crx file download
Make tasks disappear. Like magic. Free, top-rated text expander & autofill. Expand what you type & automate your repetitive tasks.
We exist to eliminate your soul-crushing work. Never type the same frequently used text over and over again or copy-paste information between your tabs.

After becoming a top-rated text expander, Magical has evolved into a simple yet powerful productivity app that empowers anyone to automate repetitive tasks with two easy keystrokes.

With no integrations required, Magical can move data across any website to speed up messaging, data entry, sourcing and prospecting workflows, and more. Automate tasks across any app you use.
Critical Acclaim:
LifeHacker: 11 of the Best Free Extensions for Google Chrome
PCMag: “The Best Free Google Chrome Extensions” in 2021
Fast Company: “8 best Chrome Extensions for Productivity”

With over 400,000 users and trusted by 14,000 companies, Magical is the most popular text expander and autofill app.

Magical’s Tricks
- Shortcuts are frequently used text or message snippets that can be expanded with a simple keystroke. Create your own or select shortcuts from 100s of templates. Use our built in rich text editor to customize your text.
- Autofill data from any open tab to a message, spreadsheet, or form, using transfers.
- Tags help you keep your tricks organized
- Share shortcuts and templates with your team to stay consistent in your message.

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